Saturday, August 22, 2009

Just Another Reason The Truth Still Lies With The Catholic Church

I normally don't comment on stuff like this, but here goes. The Catholic Church is a staunch defender of the Word of God. They do not compromise the Word of God to fit current societal morals. The Lutheran church's stance on openly gay clergy is a prime example of perversion. Yes all churches, Protestant and Catholic have their share of "closet" gays and sinners, but the Catholic church will not pervert or change the Word of God to sanction open sin but calls those to repentance. The Lutheran Church now joins with the Episcopal Church in their perversion. Repent! Or risk damnation.


  1. Steven you are not going to believe this! I'm afraid to post it here because of drawing attacks to your blog, but it's very exciting.

    Sometimes I feel like we have to do coded messages like in early Rome because of those who persecute us...strange isn't it? or maybe not?

    Do not let me forget to tell you about what has been the real reason behind the recent "attacks" on the blogs of converts! I will see you at mass tomorrow at 10:30? Remind me to tell you then.

    May the peace of Christ be with your spirit!

  2. p.s I forgot to tell you I told Mr. Madrid he was the St. Anne's RCIA defender...LOL..Don't let me forget all I need to tell you tomorrow at mass
